Haden Pike

Writings and other stuff.

Trigger IFTTT From Emacs


emacs  projects  utilities 

IFTTT (If This Then That): http://www.ifttt.com/ is a service which can interact with hundreds of services and devices to take action on events.


IFTTT channels are the building blocks of IFTTT apps. For example, there is a Twitter channel with events such as new tweet posted, and actions such as post a tweet. For this package, we’re interested in the Maker channel, which offers the “receive web request” event. As the name suggests, this event triggers the specified action when a request is made to a special URL.

Download and Install

Download the code from https://github.com/hadenpike/emacs-ifttt-trigger.git and add the following to your .emacs:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/ifttt-trigger.el")
(require 'ifttt-trigger)

Configuration and Usage

This package allows you to trigger events made on the Maker channel. So, head on over to http://www.ifttt.com/ and create a new app. For the “this” event, find the maker channel and select the “receive web request” event. It’ll ask you for an event name, which can be anything you want, as long as you remember it. For the “that” action, configure it as you like. Review the app and choose finish.

Now that that’s done, IFTTT will give you instructions for obtaining the secret key you use in your requests. Follow the instructions and copy the key to the clipboard.

Back in Emacs, set the secret key with code like the following:

(setq ifttt-secret-key "<your-secret-key>")

replacing <your-secret-key> with the key you got from IFTTT. Now, try

M-x ifttt-trigger RET

and enter the name of the event you created on IFTTT. Or, call it in Lisp:

(ifttt-trigger event-name)


If you have any questions, thoughts, or suggestions regarding the article above, please send me an email at haden@hadenpike.net. Thank you for reading.

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